Spring Term
After school clubs run from 3-4pm. Clubs are free and open for anyone to join, just come along and get changed into Arnewood PE kit. Our PE staff always do their best to run as many high quality clubs as possible. Please note that clubs may be subject to changes and/or cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances.
Please ensure that parents and carers are aware that you will be attending any clubs.
Day | Break/lunch activities
(Astro- no school shoes allowed) |
After school clubs 3-4pm | |||
Monday |
•Football -Astro
•All years
•No air force ones/ school shoes allowed
Staff meetings | |||
Tuesday |
•All years
•No air force ones/ school shoes allowed
Volleyball- All years
Yr 7 & 8 Football
MCN Field (boots required) |
Yr 9 Football
TMC Astro |
Basketball- Yr 9, 10 &11
CED Gym |
Wednesday |
•All years
•No air force ones/ school shoes allowed
Netball – All years
MSL/HVT Astro |
Basketball -Yr 7&8
Hockey – All years
SSE Astro |
Thursday |
•All years
•No air force ones/ school shoes allowed
Badminton club – All years
Girls Football – All years
HVT/SSE Astro |
Yr 10 Football/ fixtures
JVT Astro |
Rugby- All years
CMR Field |
Friday |
•All years
•No air force ones/ school shoes allowed
GCSE revision- Yr 9-11
TMC/ MSL L63 |
MSL- Miss Samuel
SSE- Mrs Saywell
HVT- Miss Vincent
JVT- Mr Vibert
MCN- Mr Colman
TMC- Mr Merrick
CMR- Mr McGregor
SSS- Mr Smailes
LLS- Mr Lewis