Homework is a key aspect of children’s education and the school values the opportunity provided by homework to reinforce learning beyond the classroom.
To assist students and parents/carers, the school makes use of an online learning platform called Firefly. This enables parents/carers to see homework being set by the school and is used to link students to different online tasks. Students can share ideas in discussions on Firefly, or look at resources allocated to them by their teacher in a gallery. Alternatively, assignments can direct students to resources from outside the school, giving them support and guidance as they explore the vast array of other learning opportunities.
For some parents, this new way of learning can be overwhelming. At times, our students become the teachers themselves, sharing their new skills with older family members. We are committed to equipping students for the modern world, preparing them for new challenges that the 21st Century work environment will throw at them. This includes grounding them in the traditional skills that they will still need, as well as ensuring they have the confidence to learn to use new tools and applications as the world continues to change.