
Drama & Theatre

The Edexcel AS and A2 Level Drama and Theatre courses focus on the practical exploration of performance texts, including exploring them in light of theatre practitioners. The performance texts that will be studied for the written exams will require students to articulate how they would perform in certain roles and interpret a text for performance, putting practical work at the heart of the course.


Theatre Studies – Transition material

Drama and Theatre A Level

> Component 1: Drama and Theatre

 Students will study and explore practically two set plays and will learn how to analyse and evaluate a piece of live theatre. Students will also study how the performance texts are informed by their social, historical and cultural contexts

> Component 2: Creating Original Drama

Students will create and develop an original devised performance and study the

work and methodology of one influential practitioner. The performance is supported by a written piece of coursework called the “working notebook”.

> Component 3: Making Theatre

Students will practically explore three key extracts each taken from a different play. They will perform or create a realised design of one extract. This extract will be performed to an external examiner.

Entry Requirements

A minimum of 5 GCSE passes at grade 5 and above, preferably and including Drama.

Theatre trips

Students will be expected to see as much live theatre as they can. A number of theatre trips will be organised for the students and these will be an important part of the course.

Examination arrangements and weightings

Component 1:

  • Three hour written exam
  • 80 marks
  • 40% of A Level

Component 2:

  • Working notebook (40 marks)
  • Devised performance (20 marks)
  • 60 marks in total
  • 30% of A level

Component 3:

  • Performance of scripted extract(40 marks)
  • Reflective report (20 marks)
  • 60 marks in total
  • 30% of A Level

Students completing this course will have a thorough understanding of Drama and Theatre, highly toned analytical and creative skills and an ability to communicate effectively with others. These skills would prove beneficial in careers in the theatre as well as in other careers where communication skills are highly prized.