The syllabus followed and outlined below is OCR. The units represent a diverse selection of history.
> Unit 1 – British period study and enquiry
England 1485-1558 : The Early Tudors (Enquiry topic: Mid-Tudor crisis 1547-1558)
> Unit 2 – Non-British period study
The Unification of Italy 1789-1896
> Unit 3 – Thematic study and historical interpretations
Civil Rights in the USA 1865 – 1992
> Unit 4 – Topic based essay
Entry Requirements
A minimum of 5 GCSE passes at grade 5 and above. The ability to produce extended pieces of writing is an absolute necessity.
Examination arrangements and weightings
Unit 1 1hour 30 minute exam taken at end of second year (end of first for AS). Weighting 25%
Unit 2 1 hour exam taken at end of second year (end of first for AS). Weighting 15%
Unit 3 2 hour 30 minute exam taken at end of second year. Weighting 40%
Unit 4 Coursework 3000-4000 word essay. Weighting 20%
Recommended support materials and revision guides
At the start of both the AS and A2 parts of the course students are given booklets and textbooks written specifically for this syllabus, and the library is well resourced with relevant books and periodicals. There will also be the opportunity to attend trips to historic sites both in the UK and abroad. In addition, students are encouraged to read around each topic to further their historical understanding.
What can I do after I’ve completed the course?
History develops a range of skills and concepts as well as a better understanding of the world we live in. There is a wide range of career opportunities open to students, including accountancy, archaeology, The Civil Service, teaching, business, The legal profession, policeman, The Armed Services, and journalism. History is regarded as a facilitating subject at University and is highly regarded by Universities and employers alike.