Opportunities for Wider Participation in the Sixth Form
In addition to your main curriculum subjects there are a number of enrichment activities offered to the students.
On a Wednesday afternoon, students can take part in:
- Badminton
- Basketball
- Dry slope skiing
- First Aid
- Football
- Hockey
- Netball
- Rounders
- Rugby
- Swimming
- Table Tennis
- Tennis
- Volleyball
- Weight/CV training at NMHL centre
Other non-sporting enrichment activities students can do:
- The extended project qualification (EPQ)
- One to one support of student’s in the lower school in numeracy and literacy
- A subject buddy to students in the lower school
- A future learn course
- Buddy reading
Be part of an active school council that leads on:
- Teaching & learning,
- Charity work,
- Wider enrichment clubs,
- Social events like the end of year prom and a fresher’s welcome party