Homework is a key aspect of a child’s education and the school values the opportunity provided by homework to reinforce learning beyond the classroom. Homework varies both in its length and frequency as children progress through the school. Whilst in Years 7 & 8, homework tends to be frequent and shorter in duration, and by the time students reach Year 9 it tends to be longer in duration and sometimes set over several weeks. To assist students and parents/carers the school makes use of an online system called Firefly. This enables parents/carers to see the homework being set by the school. We actively encourage parents/carers to assist with homework even if only helping to establish a regular routine at home to ensure work is completed to a high standard and on time.
Learning support offers a supervised study support area and Homework Club from 3pm – 4pm for students wishing to complete homework before travelling home. The Library opens at 8am and closes at 4pm.