Our mission is to work with parents and the local community to provide a broad curriculum and a creative approach to learning. This will enable all students to fulfil their unique potential and make the world a better place through their informed choices and actions.
Our curriculum meets the requirements of national guidelines and explicitly intends to support students to become :
Our curriculum provides a broad range of knowledge and experiences that support students in their development. Students are placed (based on assessment data) on pathways in order for them to achieve their full potential with support from specialist subject teachers.
Individual subject intent and implementation information can be accessed on our subject pages to increase understanding of the experiences that students gain at The Arnewood School. Â The Arnewood Lesson ensures consistency in differentiation, challenge, and high-quality questioning and feedback allowing students improve understanding and eliminate misconceptions. Our inclusive ethos ensures students with disadvantages are supported with learning in the curriculum, lessons and with extra-curricular activities. Each subject team of specialist teachers is led by a Head of Centre and will regularly adapt the curriculum to suit the needs of students.
Pathways are offered in KS3, KS4 and KS5 to develop students’ mastery and depth of knowledge  with regular opportunities of application to the life. This in addition to our core curriculum designed to improve students’ confidence with literacy, numeracy and science. The options pathways give direct access to the largest areas of employment in the local area which fall in line with the New Milton Town council’s aspirations of increasing the younger demographic working in the area.
Assessment enroute is key to the success of students. It provides students and parents with regular formative and summative feedback in order to praise, and provide intervention to support progress.
We offer an extensive extra-curricular and tutoring programme throughout students’ journey at The Arnewood School. This gives students the opportunity to extend learning as well as provide opportunities to showcase skills and attributes to the wider community. , for example in the school production or through local, regional and national competitions within Science (IET Faraday Challenge or British Physics Olympiad), Maths (Maths Challenge) or sports.
To view our curriculum in more detail please visit
The Arnewood School curriculum STRUCTURE
Students at The Arnewood School continually develop a passion for learning with the resilience to be successful in the wider world. Students are increasingly ambitious with their future prospects of career development with skills that enable them to be self-reflective, work collaboratively and be creative within a variety of environments. Our curriculum ensures students have appropriate qualifications to enable them to progress in their desired destinations.
In summer 2023, 44% of our lower ability students (32 students in total, where their average Key Stage 2 grade was less than 100) completed a vocational qualification. 100% of these students attained a pass grade and 93% attained a level 2 pass or greater. Our vocational qualifications attain highly, with a three year average for grade 4+ or equivalent at 88% for construction, 76% for ICT, 94% for I Media, 90% for Hairdressing, 96% for Child development and 79% for Health and Social Care.
Our pathways accommodate for the more academic ability range as well, and is actively promoted. In 2023, 35% were entered for the English Baccalaureate, with 22% gaining a standard pass and 10% gaining a strong pass in all pillars. In 2022, 35% of our school cohort were entered for the English Baccalaureate, with 21% of the school cohort attaining a standard pass and 14% attaining a strong pass in all pillars. In 2021, 47% were entered for the English Baccalaureate, with 35% attaining a good pass and 22% a strong pass.
Our focus on English and Maths is also strong, with 50% of our cohort in 2023 attaining a grade 4 or greater pass in both English and Maths and 32% at grade 5 or higher. In 2022, 69% of our cohort attained a grade 4 or greater pass in both English and Maths and 43% at grade 5 or higher. In 2021 70% of our cohort attained a grade 4 or higher in Maths and English, and 47% a grade 5 or higher in both subjects.
Students who leave The Arnewood school are provided with an education that empowers them to give back to the community and contribute to society. 30% of our students continue their studies into KS5 at The Arnewood Sixth with 98% of all KS4 students continuing onto further education, apprenticeships or employment with training.