Training Programme
The minimum entry requirements are as follows:
- An honours degree at 2:2 or above, the subject content of which must meet the requirements of the chosen subject specialism for Secondary training.
- At least GCSE grade C in English and Maths, (and Science grade C for Primary) or acceptable recognised equivalent.
In addition, we look for some practical experience of working with children from the preferred age range that you wish to train in. Further information on entry requirements may be found on the UCAS Teacher Training application system.
The course is a one year full time course.
During this time you will be placed in two contrasting schools. You will be in school Monday to Thursday with further training at a central venue and University based training on Fridays.
For Secondary trainees you will spend 12 weeks in your ‘First School’ and 18 weeks in your ‘Main School’
A short Special School experience is integrated into the school placements.
Primary training takes place in a ‘Main School’ for the year with a short six week placement in a different school with a different Key Stage after Christmas.
During the school placements, teaching experience commences with observation and builds gradually over the year to a teaching commitment of approx 60% of a full timetable.
Assessment for the award of QTS is based on the Teachers’ Standards. Formal assessment takes place at key points throughout the year. In addition to classroom observation this includes scrutiny of the trainee’s professional development portfolio (PDP) which records the trainee’s progress. Assessment for the award of PGCE requires, in addition to the QTS assessment, the completion of written academic assignments on both subject and general professional topics.
Trainees are supported in school by a Subject Mentor/Classroom Teacher who has responsibility for:
- Support of trainees when based in school
- Meeting weekly with trainees to discuss progress and set targets
- Formative assessment of trainees’ practical work and portfolio
- Advising on final assessment
Secondary trainees also have a Lead Subject Tutor who, in addition to supporting Subject Tutors in their work, is responsible for the delivery of the SP programme and for the final assessment of trainees. Within each school there is also a Professional Tutor, who is a senior member of staff, often a Deputy or Assistant Head, who is responsible for supporting all trainees within the school.
We are offering Secondary School Direct training places in Maths, English, Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics), Physical Education, Art, MFL (French and German), Religious Studies, Geography and History.
We would welcome applications from enthusiastic, hardworking potential trainees who feel that they could contribute significantly to the life in a school and would enjoy the challenge of working with children and young people.