Effort Grade
The effort grade
All reports will contain an effort grade.
This relates to the amount of effort your child puts into their classwork. It tells you if they focus on the work given and try to complete it or, if they find the work hard, whether they give up or ask for help. It is graded 1-4 with 1 being the best.
- Outstanding effort. If your child has this grade, it shows that they work hard in lessons to complete the work set and may move on to extension work. It suggests that they stay focused on the work for the duration of the lesson and ask for help if stuck. They show enthusiasm and may ask questions to develop their understanding of the subject.
- Good effort. If your child has this grade, it shows that they complete the work set and manage to stay focused on the work for most of the lesson. They do ask for help when stuck and so manage to make progress.
- Requires improved effort. If your child has this grade, it shows that they attempt the work, but they don’t complete the tasks to the standard the teacher expects of them. If they find the work hard, they tend to stop and don’t ask for help to move on.
- Inadequate effort. If your child has this, it indicates that they do not complete the work set and tend to give up when they find it hard.